Shocknet Privacy Policy

Shocknet takes data privacy seriously and is committed to providing the Subscriber with the highest levels of customer service.

To accomplish this, Shocknet created a comprehensive Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) that governs all information collected on or submitted to (the “Site”). By accessing, browsing or using the Site, the Subscriber acknowledges that it has read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy.


1. Shocknet’s Privacy Policy and its Services

    • This Privacy Policy is only applicable to the Site and not to any other sites or the Services which the Subscriber may be able to access from the Site which may have data collection, storage, and use practices and policies that differ materially from this Privacy Policy.
    • The Subscriber shall be required to provide certain information to Shocknet in order to access the Site and avail of the Services therein.

2. Information Collection and Usage

    • Non-Personal and Aggregated Information. Shocknet shall automatically log in general data about the Subscriber which will allow Shocknet to continually monitor and improve the Site.


  • Definition. Cookies are files that are transferred from a Web site to the user’s computer’s hard drive that contain certain information such as the User ID, user preferences, the pages the user has visited, and the activities the user performed while using the Site.
  • While the Subscriber may have the option of choosing whether or not to accept cookie files, as well as deleting cookies from the hard drive, Shocknet cannot guarantee that not accepting the cookie file will allow the Subscriber to navigate the Site successfully or will be able to access all the features of the Site. Shocknet will be using cookie files for online purchasing and the customized presentation of the Site’s web pages. The cookies, however, will not be used to retrieve information from the Customer’s computer that was not originally sent in the cookie, nor will the information transferred through cookies be used for any promotional or marketing purposes, with the exception of those expressly set forth in this Privacy Policy.
  • Some of Shocknet’s partners may use cookies to provide Shocknet with anonymous data and information regarding the Customer’s use of the Site. Shocknet does not have access or control over those cookies and this Privacy Policy does not cover the use of third party cookies.

Traffic Data

  • Shocknet shall automatically track and collect the following categories of information when Customers visit the Site: IP addresses, domain servers, types of computers accessing the Site, types of web browsers used to access the Site, referring source which may have sent the Subscriber to the Site, and other information associated with the interaction of the Customer’s browser and the Site (“Traffic Data”).
  • Shocknet undertakes not to link information from the Traffic Data to the Personal Information without the Customer’s permission.

Personal Information

  • As a user of the Site, certain personal information shall be required by Shocknet prior to the grant of a User ID which shall be the Customer’s means of accessing and availing of the Services therein. The personal information shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: name, date of birth, previous and current mailing addresses, telephone number/s, mobile phone number/s, email address, credit card details, employer, occupation/position, marital status, birth date, and Shocknet account number/s.
  • The personal information Shocknet obtains from the Subscriber may be used to verify the Customer’s identity; assist the Subscriber in subscribing to the Services available on the Site; provide the Services required by the Customer; administer and manage the Services provided, including charging, billing and collecting debts; Inform the Subscriber of ways the Services provided could be improved; conduct appropriate checks for credit-worthiness and for fraud; research improvements and further develop the Services; gain an understanding of the Customer’s telecommunication needs in order for Shocknet to provide the Customer with better Services; and maintain and develop our business systems and infrastructure, including testing and upgrading of these systems.
  • Any time the Subscriber submits personal information for a specific purpose using the Site, the information provided shall be used for that purpose only, unless the Subscriber consents otherwise or as required by law. The Subscriber further acknowledges that personal information submitted to Shocknet on the Site may be transferred across national boundaries and may be stored and processed in another country, which may not provide privacy protections similar to those the Subscriber’s country provides.


  • The Subscriber understands that Shocknet will communicate with the Subscriber via email to continually update him of current offerings of the PLDT Group. Thus, the Subscriber should expect to receive regular emails from Shocknet, which emails shall include replies to e-mail messages sent by the Subscriber, confirmation of product or service orders placed online and to engage in other communication authorized by the Subscriber or that which Shocknet has determined as necessary to more effectively provide Services to its Subscribers. The Subscriber may, at any time, choose to unsubscribe from Shocknet’s mailing list.

Use of Information

  • Shocknet shall use the information to customize and tailor the Subscriber’s experience on the Site, in emails, and in other communications.
  • In many cases, the Subscriber may choose the amount of information it will supply to Shocknet. There may be instances, however, where Shocknet will require the Subscriber to provide certain information, and in such cases, where the Subscriber refuses to provide such mandatory personal information, Shocknet may refuse to provide the Service requested.
  • The information which Shocknet has in its records may be used by it to protect its customers, employees, or property. In some cases, it may be necessary to provide this information to the government or third parties who make a lawful demand for it.
  • Shocknet reserves the right to share the information obtained with other members of the Group of Companies (“PLDT Group”) to equip the PLDT Group with a better understanding of its customers’ product and service needs, and to learn how to best design, develop, and package products and services to meet those needs.

3. Information Sharing and Disclosure

    • Certain Services offered to the Subscriber through the Site maybe served on websites hosted and operated by organizations other than Shocknet (“Third Party Contractor Website”). Shocknet shall not disclose the Subscriber’s Personal Information to these Third Party Contractor Websites without the Subscriber’s consent, but the Subscriber should be aware that any information disclosed by the Subscriber once it accesses these other websites shall not be subject to this Privacy Policy. It shall be the Subscriber’s responsibility to review the privacy policy posted on any other website to understand how that Third Party Contractor Website collects and uses the Subscriber’s personally identifiable information.
    • Shocknet may share the non-personal, aggregated information with its customers, partners, and their third parties. Aggregated information is not linked to any Personal Information.
    • In order to deliver the Services required by the Subscriber, Shocknet may be required to disclose the Subscriber’s personal information with its affiliates and/or business partners or to organizations outside of Shocknet. Shocknet guarantees that the Subscriber’s personal information is disclosed to these organizations only in relation the provision of Services. These organizations may carry out customer inquiries, mailing operations, billing and debt-recovery functions, information technology services, installation, maintenance and repair services, marketing, telemarketing and door-knocking services, market research, and website usage analysis.
    • Unless Shocknet is able to obtain the Subscriber’s permission or the disclosure is required by law, Shocknet shall only share the Personal Information provided by the Subscriber through the Site with its affiliates and business partners or to third-party organizations engaged by Shocknet to act in its behalf. Shocknet reserves the right to disclose customer information to the extent authorized by government statutes.
    • Shocknet reserves the right to disclose the Subscriber’s personal information to its authorized representatives or legal advisers (if requested in writing), credit-reporting and fraud-checking agencies, credit providers (for credit related purposes such as credit-worthiness, credit rating, credit provision and financing), Shocknet’s dealers, related companies, professional advisers, including its accountants, auditors and lawyers, government and regulatory authorities and other organizations, as required or authorized by law, and organizations who manage Shocknet’s business and corporate strategies, including those involved in a transfer/sale of all or part of Shocknet’s assets or business (including accounts and trade receivables) and those involved in managing Shocknet’s corporate risk and funding functions (e.g. securitization), and collection agencies when customers do not pay their bills.
    • Shocknet’s business partners shall be bound to uphold the same standards of security and confidentiality that Shocknet has committed to the Subscriber under this Privacy Policy, and these business partners shall only use the Contact Data and other Personal Information to carry out their specific business obligations to Shocknet and to provide the Subscribers with Site related services.

4. Data Security

    • The Personal Information collected is stored on a secure, password-protected server, and only authorized personnel shall have access to the Subscriber’s Personal Information. Shocknet uses industry-standard encryption technologies with respect to the receipt and transfer of the Subscriber’s Personal Information submitted through the Site.
    • Owing to the nature of the internet, Shocknet cannot guarantee and has no control over the public or third party network through which the Subscriber sends its Personal Information to Shocknet’s Site.
    • Shocknet requires employees to keep customer information confidential and Shocknet employees shall be held accountable for their actions.

5. Children’s Provacy

    • Protecting the privacy of children is especially important. For that reason, Shocknet shall never collect nor shall it maintain information on the Site from those below the age of eighteen (18), provided that Shocknet is aware of the user’s age. Shocknet shall not knowingly collect any personally identifiable information from children.
    • No part of the Site is structured to attract anyone under 18 and is intended for a general audience.

6. External Links

  • The Site provides hyperlinks which, when clicked, will either redirect the user to another place within the document, to another document altogether, or to other Web sites not controlled by Shocknet. These websites may contain privacy provisions that are different or inconsistent from those provided herein and Shocknet shall not be responsible for the collection, use or disclosure of information collected through these third-party web sites, and Shocknet expressly disclaims any and all liability related to such collection, use, or disclosure.

7. Information Modification

  • Shocknet shall honor requests from the Subscriber to correct or amend its account information. To protect the Subscriber’s privacy and security, Shocknet shall take reasonable steps to verify the Subscriber’s identity before granting access to the Personal Information to be modified or corrected.

8. Privacy Policy Changes

    • Shocknet reserves the right, at any time, to add to, change, update, or modify this Privacy Policy. It shall be the Subscriber’s obligation to review the Privacy Policy frequently.
    • Changes to the Privacy Policy shall be posted on the Site and such posting shall be the only manner in which the Subscriber shall be informed of such changes.
    • In all cases, the use of information submitted through the Site or collected by Shocknet shall be subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is collected.